In a normal year, the Winter season would be a time for setting sights on the next year's races and events. Whether you're a competitive athlete or a weekend warrior who snacks on an occasional 10k, motivation to get—or stay—in shape may be waning right now. We asked our team of ambassadors how they are sticking with routine and ways they are making the most of these strange times.

Tom Naab: “I don’t ride my bike just to race it. One of the best feelings is finishing a ride or doing intervals when you didn’t really want to. I’ve never finished a workout and wished I hadn’t done it.”

Abigail Snyder: “I have enjoyed exploring new trails and learning ways to be faster on my home trails. For me, the training itself is as satisfying as the events—so I double down on learning to find joy in the process and celebrating the small successes along the way.”

Tom Hodge:For me it’s never been about training for an event, but to challenge myself to be the healthiest I can be the older I get. It’s extremely important to always try new things that test my physical limits. The reward has always been the process of showing up each day to create my best life.”

Samantha Davies: “Setting goals to work towards and participating in fun challenges with friends keep me going. On days I just don’t want to, my dog gets me out for a walk and fresh air.”

Mitchell Page: “I just remember how much harder it would be to get back the fitness if I sat on the couch and lost it all!!”

Erin Maurine: “I remind myself that I’m incredibly lucky to be healthy and able to continue to train in times like these when so many others aren’t as fortunate. I also keep looking toward the future because races will return and I want to be ready when they do.” 

Bekah Rottenberg: “Motivation is fleeting but habits last forever! I workout at the same time everyday. This allows me to stay consistent even when the weather is terrible or if I’m not “feeling it.””

Natalie Raborn: “I love this time of year when it comes to training. I am motivated because sitting in the saddle is NOT the focus. I embrace the time off the bike to reconnect with different cross training activities with a big focus on strength training. My training hours go way down and I can fully recharge and reset for the next season. If my season is delayed due to 2021 COVID I will just extend this time, and consider it a gift. My doggo wouldn’t complain because he gets a lot more walks!”

Lucas Rowton: “It’s important to understand that maintaining peak fitness and motivation without races on the calendar is unrealistic. I keep my training rides fun and interesting; I explore new areas often as well as ride my favorite trails regularly all while doing my best to remind myself I ride and race because it’s fun.”

Luis Andarcia: “As a coach/instructor/personal-trainer one of the most important parts of the job is staying motivated myself, and every time I meet with my athletes I make the most to give to them the best, which creates a positive response from them, allowing me to feed from that and pushing me to be better next time.”

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